I've considered starting a blog for several years now. But, despite having been encouraged by friends and peers in the SharePoint community, I really wasn't sure I needed my own space in the blogosphere. Besides, I managed my former employer's blog and also had an internal company blog that I could post content to whenever I wanted. The thing is though, I no longer have access to some of that content and knowledge and I really wish I did.

So, as I start fresh with a new organization, it seems like the right time to establish a place to publish content and share some experiences I've had and will have with the ever-changing SharePoint platform and other web technologies. I plan to use this blog to track my continuing technology journey and give back to the SharePoint community that has helped me countless times via their blogs and posts on the web. So with that, I'm jumping into the blogosphere and following in the footsteps of many outstanding SharePoint community leaders that have gone before me.
